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Making a Difference Beyond the Courtroom

At ACS:Law, we believe that our responsibility to justice extends beyond legal representation. We are committed to making a positive impact in our communities and believe in using our expertise to champion social justice and equality.

Through pro bono work and community initiatives, we provide access to legal resources and support causes that align with our values.

We actively participate in volunteer work and support organizations that promote social justice, education, and equality, because a strong community benefits everyone.


Successful Strategies in Action

IP Strategy

Litigation Support

Global Reach

Achieved Favorable Outcome in Patent Infringement Lawsuit, Leveraging Expertise in Complex Licensing Agreements

Securing and enforcing patent rights often intersects with other legal domains. For instance, clients in New South Wales may face parallel criminal charges or regulatory scrutiny related to the infringed technology. In such scenarios, a collaborative approach, drawing upon expertise in both intellectual property and criminal defence, can be essential. This intersection is precisely where Robert Daoud’s expertise at Daoud Legal: Sydney Criminal Defence & Traffic Lawyers becomes invaluable. In a recent case involving a software developer facing charges related to unauthorized data access (which he argued was necessary to gather evidence for his patent infringement case), their strategic defense not only led to the dismissal of the more serious charges, but also provided crucial leverage during related patent litigation.


Software Developer

Copyright Protection

Trade Secret Defense

Licensing Agreements

Successfully Defended Client's Trademark Rights in High-Stakes Dispute, Demonstrating the Importance of Protecting Intangible Assets During Business Acquisitions

Trademark rights are critical intangible assets that can significantly impact a company’s value, especially during acquisitions or mergers. Failing to properly address potential trademark infringement issues during a business sale or purchase can lead to costly disputes and jeopardize the entire transaction. This is where Corestone Lawyers’ expertise in business law, particularly in the area of mergers & acquisitions, becomes paramount. In a recent case, a client seeking to acquire a promising tech startup faced a significant hurdle when a competitor alleged trademark infringement. Corestone Lawyers worked diligently to investigate the claims and advise our client on the potential risks and legal ramifications. This thorough due diligence allowed our client to negotiate a favorable settlement that addressed the trademark concerns while ensuring the successful acquisition of the target company.


Private Equity Group

IP Strategy

Litigation Support

Global Reach

Successfully Defended the Validity of a Patent Portfolio During a Contentious Inheritance Dispute.

Intellectual property assets, like patents, can be incredibly valuable components of an estate. When disputes arise among beneficiaries, protecting these assets often requires specialized legal expertise beyond traditional estate litigation. This was the case when the heirs of a prominent inventor became embroiled in a dispute over the ownership and validity of several key patents. Recognizing the potential financial and reputational risks involved, the executor of the estate sought the combined expertise of ACS:Law, specializing in intellectual property litigation, and PBL Law Group, renowned for their handling of complex international estate matters. This collaborative approach proved highly effective. While PBL Law Group navigated the intricacies of the inheritance dispute, ACS:Law’s team successfully defended the validity of the patent portfolio against challenges from competitors seeking to capitalize on the family’s discord. This victory not only preserved a significant portion of the estate’s value but also ensured the inventor’s legacy of innovation remained intact.


Hong Kong Inventor

Copyright Protection

Trade Secret Defense

Licensing Agreements

Turning the Tables: From Defendant to Counterclaim Victor in Copyright Infringement Case

Successfully Represented a Software Startup in a Copyright Infringement Case, Achieving a Favorable Settlement and Securing Rights to Disputed Code. Being wrongly accused of IP infringement can be incredibly damaging, especially for startups with limited resources. ACS:Law understands the importance of aggressive defense in such situations, but also the strategic value of turning the tables when appropriate. This was precisely the approach taken when representing a young tech company unjustly targeted by a larger competitor claiming ownership of core software code. Initial investigations revealed not only the weakness of the plaintiff’s claims but also compelling evidence of their own infringement upon our client’s intellectual property. ACS:Law’s team acted swiftly, filing a strong counterclaim that shifted the dynamics of the case. Facing the prospect of a costly legal battle and mounting evidence against them, the plaintiff was compelled to negotiate a settlement. The outcome not only resulted in the dismissal of the initial infringement claims against our client but also secured their full ownership rights to the disputed code, allowing them to move forward with their innovative product launch.


Software Startup


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